Carpet Cleaning Basics

Whether you have a wall-to-wall carpet or just a few rugs, regular cleaning, and proper maintenance will keep them looking fresh. Vacuuming twice a week and spot stain treatment with a good carpet shampoo are the best things you can do.

Greasy spills are especially stubborn, but they can usually be removed by blotting them immediately. Then blot again with grease-cutting dish soap, if needed. If you need professional help, call Joondalup Carpet Cleaners.

carpet cleaningVacuuming

Carpet adds comfort and warmth to a home, but it can also trap dirt and grime beneath its fibers. Regular vacuuming, spot stain treatment, and steam cleaning can help keep your carpets clean. However, dust mites, molds, and odors can still hide in the deepest parts of the carpet. These microorganisms can cause itchy eyes, sneezing, and other symptoms, making proper carpet cleaning vital.

The best way to get rid of these microscopic organisms is to perform a deep clean on your carpets once a year. This process involves hot water extraction and the use of professional cleaning chemicals to remove trapped toxins and microorganisms from the deepest parts of your carpet. A thorough cleaning can leave your carpets smelling fresh and looking newer for longer.

When performing a vacuuming, it is important to move slowly and methodically. It is tempting to rush, but this does not give the vacuum cleaner sufficient time to agitate and loosen the dirt. Instead, work in sections of the room and overlap each pass slightly to ensure that all areas are cleaned thoroughly.

Before you start vacuuming, move any large furniture pieces to the side so that you can easily access the edges of the carpet and the base of the piece. This will prevent dirt from being left behind in these difficult-to-reach places. Lastly, make sure to empty your vacuum cleaner bag frequently, as it can affect the effectiveness of your cleaning tool.

If you have a reversible rug, be sure to vacuum both sides. Otherwise, the grime from one side may be left on the other and can cause it to wear out prematurely. You should also turn over reversible rugs every couple of years to prevent wear and tear.

The best way to avoid stains is to prevent them from occurring in the first place. This can be done by taking the proper precautions, including following a no-shoes policy and using a doormat to reduce the amount of dirt that is tracked into your home. It is also essential to vacuum your carpets regularly and to use a deodorizer to keep them smelling clean and fresh.

Baking Soda

Baking soda (also known as bicarbonate of soda) is an excellent cleaning and deodorizing product for carpets. It doesn’t contain any of the harsh chemicals found in many commercial cleaners and is an inexpensive, easy-to-find household item. It’s safe for your family, pets, and the environment.

Baking soda does a fantastic job of absorbing and neutralizing odors, whether they come from cooking smells, pet urine, or just a musty old carpet. It’s important to allow the baking soda to sit and absorb the odors before vacuuming it up, especially if the smell is particularly strong. For best results, let it sit for at least 24 hours, if not overnight.

If you’d like to add a little extra boost to your homemade deodorizer, mix a few drops of essential oil with the baking soda before sprinkling it on your carpet. The oil will help to lift any additional odors as well as make your home smell fresh and clean.

This natural and inexpensive ingredient also works wonders on those pesky carpet stains that won’t seem to go away no matter how hard you scrub. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the stain and leave it to sit for an hour or overnight, if possible.

Then, vacuum up the baking soda and watch as your stubborn stains are miraculously lifted! The result will be a clean, refreshed-looking carpet that’s safe for your family and pets.

Baking soda also has several other useful household applications that you might not have thought of, including deodorizing closets and drawers and reducing garbage odors by spreading it under the bottom of your waste bins.

Be careful not to use too much baking soda on your carpets because the small particles can clog the pores of the fibers and reduce your vacuum’s suction. It’s also important to test any cleaning products on a small, hidden area of your carpet before using them all over, and to always vacuum your carpets thoroughly afterward to remove any remaining residue and baking soda particles. Doing so will ensure that your professional carpet cleaner gets the best results from their work.

Diluted Vinegar

Vinegar is a natural cleaning product that works wonders on counters, sinks, and toilets. It is also a powerful deodorizer, can be used as an antiseptic, and kills some types of mold. Its acidic properties can help to break down stubborn stains in carpet fibers. For best results, white vinegar is recommended as it will not stain or discolor the fabric. However, it should not be combined with baking soda, as this creates a bubbling reaction that will only serve to stain the carpet more. Instead, a solution made of water and white vinegar is a much better option for cleaning your carpet.

Using a 1:1 ratio, mix equal parts of distilled white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Then, saturate the affected area of your carpet with the solution. Wait for a few minutes until the chemical reaction takes place. After this time, you can begin scrubbing the area of the carpet that has been affected by a stain or bad smell. Be sure to scrub with a brush with stiff bristles to break up the staining and odor-causing components of the carpet. Continue scrubbing until the problem area is clean and you can see that it has been restored to its original condition.

After the stain is cleaned, blot up any excess moisture with a paper towel or cloth. Then, vacuum the entire area of your carpet to remove any remaining vinegar solution and dirt particles. This will help to prevent the buildup of these contaminants, making your carpet appear cleaner for longer and preventing the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause respiratory problems and skin irritation.

Whether you want to keep your carpets looking their best or simply are worried about the health of your family, good vacuuming and regular spot cleaning are vital. While many stains can be removed with simple home remedies, others may require professional attention. The above tips can help remove a variety of different stains, but if you have serious problems with your carpeting, it is important to consult a professional carpet cleaner. A professional can determine the type of carpeting you have, which will affect how it is cleaned and what cleaning methods should be used.

Ice Cubes

Cleaning and restoring carpets can be an easy task if you know the right tricks. Whether you’re looking to remove chewing gum, indentations from furniture, or any other mess, several different methods can help lift the fibers back to their original form.

Using ice cubes is an especially simple way to do this, as it’s an easy and effective way to remove any marks or stains from your carpet or rug. Simply place an ice cube in the affected area, and allow it to slowly melt. As it does, the fibers will absorb the moisture and start to re-swell and revert to their original position. Once the ice is completely melted, you can use your fingers or a spoon to gently lift the compressed fibers in the affected area. Using this hack will help your carpet and rug to look like new again in no time!

Similarly, ice can also be used to remove stubborn chewing gum from carpeting. Tarbox explains that the best way to remove chewing gum from your carpet is by freezing it. If you can, grab a few ice cubes and hold them against the gum for 30 to 45 seconds. After that, you should be able to easily scrape off the gum with a spoon or knife. The ice will harden the chewing gum, making it easier to remove from your carpeting.

Another handy trick that uses ice is to get rid of any dents from furniture in your carpeting. Simply place an ice cube in each of the dent spots, and allow it to slowly melt. As the ice melts, the carpet fibers will re-sell and revert to their original positions. Once the ice is fully melted, you can then blot the area with a cloth to absorb any excess water. Once the carpet is dry, you should be able to see that the dents from your furniture have disappeared.

Keeping your carpet clean and refreshed can seem like an impossible task at times. But, by incorporating some of these cleaning and restoring tricks into your routine, you can ensure that your carpet stays beautiful and healthy for as long as possible.