Benefits of Air Duct Cleaning

Air ducts can contain harmful contaminants like pet dander, mildew, mold spores, dust, and pollen. These particles recirculate throughout the house and settle on bedding, furniture, and other surfaces.

Duct cleaning can remove these particles and improve your home’s indoor air quality. Regular cleaning can reduce sick time, doctor bills, personal illness, and discomfort. For more information just visit Water Damage Restoration Salt Lake City.

  1. Improves Indoor Air Quality

The ductwork in your home is an important component of your HVAC system. It carries air from the heater or air conditioner to the rooms in your house through vents and is also responsible for recirculating that same air. This constant recirculation can result in dirt and debris build-up in your ductwork over time, reducing indoor air quality. Duct cleaning removes these contaminants and improves indoor air quality.

Dirty ducts contribute to larger health issues and harbor contaminants that could cause serious problems for people with respiratory health conditions, autoimmune disorders, or allergies. Those with chronic diseases, such as diabetes or asthma, are especially susceptible to poor indoor air quality. Those with weakened immune systems, such as seniors, are at greater risk of infection and illness due to poor indoor air quality.

Pollutants like pet dander, dust, mold spores, and chemicals are generated in your home through normal occupation. These contaminants get pulled into your HVAC system and are recirculated 5 to 7 times daily, reducing indoor air quality. These contaminants can cause or worsen health conditions for those with respiratory problems, such as asthma and COPD.

The recirculation of these allergens can also affect younger children and elderly adults. These individuals often spend a significant amount of time inside, which can aggravate their symptoms. Air duct cleaning helps to prevent the recirculation of these allergens, making your home more comfortable and healthy.

Aside from these harmful airborne particles, stale odors can accumulate in your ductwork. Paint fumes, tobacco smoke, cleaning agents, mildew, and food are some of the culprits that can cause unpleasant smells in your home. Even after opening windows or using air fresheners, these odors may remain. Duct cleaning eliminates these odors and creates a fresher-smelling home.

While regular vacuuming and changing your filters will help to some extent, cleaning your air ducts regularly is essential to improving indoor air quality. The EPA recommends cleaning your vents every three to five years, depending on your environment. During this process, the technician will clean the interior of your ductwork, including the air handler and plenums, usually located in the attic or basement. Schedule this appointment when no one will be home, and don’t plan on having Zoom meetings during the service visit!

  1. Reduces Allergies

Air duct cleaning can help reduce allergies, which cause sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, and itchy skin. Allergies result from your immune system overreacting to a foreign substance, such as pollen or pet dander. Normally, your immune system protects you from harmful substances by producing antibodies that attack the allergen. But those allergens can get into your house and recirculate when you have dirty air ducts, triggering your allergy symptoms.

Allergens in your home can include dust mites, animal dander, mold spores, and other particles that cause allergic reactions. Those contaminants collect in your air ducts and are blown throughout your house when the heating and cooling system operates. This can trigger allergies and asthma symptoms, especially in children and elderly or disabled adults who may have compromised immune systems.

While your HVAC filters trap some contaminants, they can’t catch everything. That’s why cleaning your air ducts regularly and using an air purification system is important.

A professional duct cleaner can remove dust and other debris from your ductwork, making it easier for your HVAC system to blow clean air through your house. This can reduce allergy symptoms and make you more comfortable and productive in your home.

Many factors, including pet dander, mold spores, pollen, and other airborne pollutants, trigger allergies and asthma. These particles can build up in your ductwork over time and then be recirculated throughout your house, causing allergy and asthma symptoms. Air duct cleaning can remove these allergens from your ductwork, helping to reduce your allergies and asthma symptoms.

When deciding whether or not to have your air ducts cleaned, consider how long you’ve been suffering from allergies and how severe they are. Also, consider other factors contributing to your allergy symptoms, such as high humidity levels (which increase the risk of attracting dust mites), smoking in the house, and more. If you are still unsure, consult your doctor for advice.

  1. Increases Energy Efficiency

The National Air Duct Cleaners Association recommends duct cleaning to help improve heating and cooling efficiency. The reason is that accumulated dust in the ductwork restricts airflow, forcing your HVAC system to work harder to maintain comfortable temperatures. Clean ducts allow the system to operate as designed and reduce energy consumption, saving you money.

A professional can clean a home’s air ducts using high-powered vacuums and other special tools that reach tight corners and other hard-to-reach places. Finding a qualified pro who can safely and effectively remove mold, pests, and other contaminants without damaging the ducts or other system components is important.

Many homeowners use DIY air duct cleaning methods, but they may need to be more effective and safe. In addition to causing damage to the ductwork, these methods often fail to clean the ducts thoroughly. Sometimes, they can even push pollutants deeper into the ductwork or spread them throughout the house. In addition, they can damage the evaporator coils and other system components, requiring expensive repair or replacement.

Leaking ducts pose an even greater problem. When ductwork leaks, hot or cold air escapes, wasting energy and increasing energy bills. A professional can check the ductwork for leaks and repair them to prevent waste.

Dirty ducts can introduce harmful allergens into the home, particularly if people have allergies or respiratory conditions. These contaminants include pet dander, pollen, powdery mildew, and chemicals. They can irritate the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs and worsen medical problems.

In addition, mold in the ducts can trigger asthma and other respiratory issues. It can also increase the risk of respiratory infections, especially among young children and elderly adults.

In some cases, contractors suggest applying chemical biocides to ducts and other system components to control mold growth or other microbiological contaminants. These practices have yet to be fully researched and should be avoided unless necessary. In addition, they can be toxic to humans and pets.

  1. Removing Odors

If you’ve noticed unpleasant smells in your home, it could result from contaminants trapped in your ductwork. Stale odors from pets, household cleaning agents, paint fumes, mold, tobacco use, and food preparation can accumulate in air ducts and registers and recirculate throughout the house each time your furnace or AC turns on. Air duct cleaning removes these odor-causing particles for a fresher-smelling home.

When hiring an air duct cleaning service, check the company’s credentials and reputation before hiring them. Look for certification from a recognized organization and proof of liability insurance. The technician should also turn off your HVAC system before cleaning to prevent dust and other contaminants from spreading throughout your home.

Technicians vacuum and scrub each component once they clean your vents and ductwork. They will then apply sanitizers or deodorizers to eliminate unpleasant odors and leave your home fresh. Choosing an air duct cleaning service with experience and a solid track record will ensure your home’s ductwork is clean, healthy, and odor-free.

Before you hire an air duct cleaning service, make sure to have your HVAC system turned off and any return grilles or vent covers removed from the wall. Next, please look at the ventilation slats and vent cover to determine how much dirt and grime have collected. The ventilation ducts also require cleaning if there are large deposits or a musty odor.

If you have a pet in your home, the air ducts will most likely contain fur and dander, which can leave behind an unpleasant scent. Even if you regularly vacuum your house, these odors will cling to the dust collected in the vents. If you notice these smells in your home, it’s a good idea to call an air duct cleaning company to have your vents cleaned.

The toxins and other allergens that collect in your home’s air ducts can contribute to health issues like allergies, asthma, and other respiratory problems. Regular air duct cleaning helps to remove these harmful substances, leaving you and your family with a healthy, clean home.